I wanna guide you in my exploration.
The code is hosted under github and the main documentation is in the Entando core repository. The project consists of the following parts:
- entando-core : the main core of the project
- entando-components : a collection ot addons
- edo : a code generator (very goooood :D)
- entando-ux-packages : a collection a sample applications
- entando-archetypes : maven archetypes to create easily web-applications and components
- Java JDK (on Ubuntu I usually use the following guide)
- Maven (This is the official guide)
- Git (at the moment is not necessary, but I love it! here the guide)
- Eclipse (no, not the book!)
- Ant (at the moment is not necessary)
First Portal
I'll try to create my own website starting from archetypes. I type in my shell the following command:mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=entandoI found many archetypes, but the first I wanna try is: entando-archetype-portal-bootstrap, that allows me to create a portal with a bootstrap template. Once selected the archetype, the current version is 4.2.0-TP1). I used the following parameters:
- groupId : com.thedumb.entando (my package)
- artifactId : thedumb
- version : the default (1.0-SNAPSHOT)
- package : com.thedumb.entando
The command creates a folder named like the artifactId (thedumb). Now the portal is ready to be started with the following command:
mvn clean jetty:run
and open the the page http://localhost:8080/thedumb/ in the browser.
The first time the portal is started, it populates a DB (default is a standalone derby DB).
The main user id admin, with password adminadmin. You can find the back-office main page at http://localhost:8080/thedumb/do/main.action
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