Sunday, October 25, 2015

Postgres - Install on Ubuntu

here's a simple tutorial on how to install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu.

My current version is a xubuntu 15.10 just installed.

The installation is very simple. Just type on a shell the following command:
sudo apt-get install postgresql pgadmin3
that installs the latest PostgreSQL version available (9.4.5) and the pgAdmin3 III client).

This installation does not require the creation of any password, so you must create it right after.
To set the password is necessary to access the console psql postgres; this is possible if you are logged in as postgres linux user. The procedure is the following:
  • Open a shell typing the following command:
sudo su
su postgres
psql -U postgres -p 5432
  •  Now you can set the password with the following query:
ALTER USER postgres WITH password 'mypassword';
  • If you wanna create another user, you can use the following command:
  • Now type \q to exit from the psql console



Saturday, October 24, 2015

First time on: Entando

I'm currently studying an open source software called Entando. It's a Java platform to develop websites, built with maven.
I wanna guide you in my exploration.

The code is hosted under github and the main documentation is in the Entando core repository. The project consists of the following parts:
  • entando-core : the main core of the project
  • entando-components : a collection ot addons
  • edo : a code generator (very goooood :D)
  • entando-ux-packages : a collection a sample applications
  • entando-archetypes : maven archetypes to create easily web-applications and components


  • Java JDK (on Ubuntu I usually use the following guide)
  • Maven (This is the official guide)
  • Git (at the moment is not necessary, but I love it! here the guide)
  • Eclipse (no, not the book!)
  • Ant (at the moment is not necessary)

First Portal

I'll try to create my own website starting from archetypes. I type in my shell the following command:
mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=entando
I found many archetypes, but the first I wanna try is: entando-archetype-portal-bootstrap, that allows me to create a portal with a bootstrap template. Once selected the archetype, the current version is 4.2.0-TP1). I used the following parameters:
  • groupId : com.thedumb.entando (my package)
  • artifactId : thedumb
  • version : the default (1.0-SNAPSHOT)
  • package : com.thedumb.entando
The command creates a folder named like the artifactId (thedumb). Now the portal is ready to be started with the following command:
mvn clean jetty:run
and open the the page http://localhost:8080/thedumb/ in the browser.

The first time the portal is started, it populates a DB (default is a standalone derby DB).

The main user id admin, with password adminadmin. You can find the back-office main page at http://localhost:8080/thedumb/do/main.action

The next time I wanna explore the Entando back-office and create a simple web-application.



First blog, first post :)

this is my first blog, and I've no idea how to manage it, but I'll try to do it.

I wanna communicate something about my passions.
I think I'll start from the computer programming.

I'm sorry for my bad english.